Investing Like the One Percent

Jeff Siegel

Posted October 18, 2016

Ever hear the name David Choe?

David Choe is a graffiti artist from Los Angeles who’s worth about $200 million.

But most of his riches didn’t come from selling art.

No, this multimillionaire became one of the wealthiest people in California by doing one thing: knowing the right people.

Let me explain…

David Choe wasn’t born into money. In fact, his parents, who were Korean immigrants, owned a small real estate business in Los Angeles that ended up burning to the ground during the 1992 Rodney King riots.

Choe and his family struggled for years. But this young artist had two things going for him: he was talented, and he was hungry. This is a combination that breeds success.

After the riots, David Choe mastered his craft. He became an underground sensation and was getting paid thousands of dollars for his work. But that money wasn’t what made Choe a success. It was his reputation.

You see, David Choe was causing such a stir in the art world that a lot of folks with a lot of money started recognizing his talent. One of those people was Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) founder Mark Zuckerberg.

In 2007, Zuckerberg commissioned Choe to paint some murals on the walls of Facebook’s office. But instead of paying Choe with cash, he paid him with Facebook stock.


When Facebook went public in 2012, David Choe’s Facebook stock was worth $200 million.

Know the Right People

David Choe didn’t become a millionaire because the world recognized his talents and gobbled up his work. David Choe became a millionaire because he knew the right people.

The truth is, when it comes to making money, and I’m talking REAL money, the kind of money that separates the well-off from the stinking rich, it all boils down to who you know.

The good news, however, is you don’t have to be a ridiculously talented artist to know the right people.

Take Nancy Pfund, for instance.

In 2006, this former anthropology student from Stanford was introduced to Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk. This was years before the company even had a car on the road.

They became friends, and Pfund was able to get an early piece of Tesla — before it went public. And you know how that went…


The funny thing is, when Pfund invested in Tesla, most average investors didn’t even know the company existed, much less know the company was raising capital. But because Nancy Pfund knew the right people, she was one of the earliest investors in Tesla Motors. Today, she’s incredibly wealthy and manages a $400 million VC fund.

Now, these are just two stories of two individuals who made hundreds of millions of dollars because they knew the right people and knew that real wealth doesn’t come from just trading stocks. It comes from getting in on the ground floor of the next Facebook or the next Tesla or the next Google (NASDAQ: GOOG).

Unfortunately, most investors will never get a chance to take part in these types of deals because they just don’t have the right connections. But you do. You know me.

Welcome to the Next Level of Investing

I’ve been in the investment publishing game for more than 20 years.

After 20 years of connecting with VC funds, high-level CEOs, and billionaire angel investors, I’ve built up quite an impressive roster of contacts. And because I was one of the first analysts to cover the renewable energy sector (before guys like Warren Buffett and Elon Musk were investing billions in wind and solar), I’ve also built a solid reputation that has allowed me access to a lot of early-stage deals, most of which are never even made public.

The same has happened in the legal cannabis space, where today I’m reviewing as many as six to eight new private deals per month.

Being an early player in the legal cannabis industry has also put me front and center for some of the biggest private investment opportunities in the space. From growers and dispensaries to tech firms and real estate investment trusts operating in this industry, if there’s a quality deal going down, I know about it.

Not only has this been great for my bottom line, but it’s allowed me to share these deals with members of my Green Chip Stocks investment community. So not only am I getting in on multimillion-dollar deals, but members of my community are getting in on them, too.

Now, I’m not sharing this with you today to brag. Bragging is for folks who haven’t made it yet.

No, I’m sharing this with you today for one reason only: I just had three new spaces open up in our private membership, and I’d like to make those available to Wealth Daily readers who are ready to take their wealth creation strategies to the next level.

You see, I never allow more than 500 investors in our community at one time. And truth be told, sometimes folks have to get on a waiting list to join. But that’s not the case today.

With those three new spots open, I can now accept three new members to our Green Chip Stocks community. And it’s these members who get direct access to the exact same private deals I’m invited to participate in on a regular basis.

In fact, I’m actually writing up our next private deal right now. It’s another play on the legal cannabis market, and I have an opportunity to get myself and my members into this thing before it goes public or ends up getting acquired by some corporate behemoth… whichever happens first.

This, my friend, is the kind of deal that sets us apart from the buy-and-hold crowd.

This is the kind of deal that puts us at the same table as some of the richest people on the planet.

This is the kind of deal that turns regular folks into millionaires. At least those who have the drive.

And this new cannabis deal is one I’m only going to share with Green Chip Stocks members. Perhaps you’ll be one of them.

Of course, I fully understand that not everyone is ready to invest at this level.

Green Chip Stocks is definitely for serious investors only. If you’re just looking to sock away $5,000 in some ETF, this is not for you.

But if you’re ready to graduate to the big leagues and get in on the same types of deals as the Warren Buffetts and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world, then find out how you can become a member of this private investment community.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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